Saturday, March 27, 2010

Welcome Back to the US!!

This past couple of weeks have been crazy with trying to get all my training modules done, taking my pre-school exams, and going to a lot of wells. Luckily though I was able to get everything done and pass my exams so that I could go to my first training school. The other trainee in my location also passed his exams which would have been great going to school together, but he got the privilege of going to Abu Dabai in United Emirates for school. I got to go to Tulsa, OK for mine!! Yes it is not as exotic as his school but God knew what I needed in my life. I think I needed some normalcy!! I was starting to get really frustrated with work and needed a break from everything. Also, I did not realize what I missed until I got back here. Things like vegetables, cheddar cheese, flushing your toilet paper, etc.!! God has given me the opportunity to go to many different places around the world so I have experienced many cultures, but talking with my mom recently I realized that I am going through a little phase of culture shock. I have been in Mexico for 4 months now, and I have enjoyed the people, food, and work but the stress of the job, the language barrier, and all the little things just started adding up.

Now I am in Tulsa and loving it!! The US welcomed me back with snow flying into Dallas and a lite blizzard in Tulsa. I was not ready for that at all!! I was just starting to get used to the 80-90 degree weather we were having in Reynosa! I will be here for 10 weeks total if I pass my exam for each week. It is going to be hard and a lot of studying, but I enjoy having a set schedule. I even get Sundays off which is unthinkable!! I have gotten to go out to eat with people, go to the grocery store, Target, and feel like a normal working adult for once!! I am in a class with 9 other people and living in a apartment complex with everyone. In my class there are 3 other Americans . . . 2 of which are located in Mexico as well but other locations. There is also 2 Norwegians, 2 Canadians, 1 Brazilian, and an Italian. Working with all these people from different countries has been great and was one of the reasons why I choose to work with SLB in the first place. Below is a picture of the group "down the hill" at the Kellyville Learning Center in Tulsa. Again I am the odd ball with the red hard hat but at least now there are other people that are as tall or taller than me!!

Here is a another picture of the gang excluding Hassan from Canada. From the right there is John from Arizona working in Mexico, me, Diana from Brazil working in Norway, Suzanne from Norway working in Tunisia, Paolo from Italy working in Italy, Henrik from Norway working in Libya, Ryan from Canada working in Canada, Rafael from Wyoming working in Mexico, and Ryan from Florida working in the US.

Another great thing about being at school right now is I have gotten to see some of my friends from OFS-1 in Brazil. There are 5 of us from orientation training at the same time. Alejandra from Mexico is pictured below with me! She is in another segment of Well Services . . . Stimulation. Plus there are other people that can speak spanish so I can keep practicing, because I know I will forget most of it if I do not keep using it!!

Just some more pics of the gang: Rafael, John, Ryan, and Paolo and me, Alejandra, and Paolo.

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